You may be asking yourself do I need a website. Maybe you're not sure how it would benefit your company, I can confidently say it will only take your company to a more profitable level. Paper Advertising can quickly eat up your marketing budget and does not reach nearly as many people as a web site can! With the right SEO settings your reachability is endless. Let’s face it without a great marketing and advertising strategy you are not reaching your companies full money making potential! With a reputable web site you can reduce you customer acquisition cost by up to 30%.
Why is Having a Web Presence Necessary?
Why Choose Enhanced Web Concepts For Your Website Design?
I treat each and every project as it is my own, each design is well thought out taking my time to study details like the effects colors have on human emotion and positive word association. My website designs are user friendly and carefully laid out so your clients will benefit the most from being on your site.

Website Design & Social Media Package
Professional fully customizable web content and design including up to 10 graphics and copy created specifically for your brand
Domain Name Registration
SEO consulting and integration to each and every page of your site (Search engine optimization)
Business Setup on Google™ Plus & a personalized google apps email
Submitting your business info to more than 100 directories including Yellow pages™, Yahoo™ Local, Bing™ Maps and more
Mobile Friendly website setup for smartphone capability
CRM tracking tools to view your online success using Google™ Analytics
Email Sign Up Button
Email Marketing Template
Basic Design Package
Domain Name Registration Transfer
Customizable Web Content 1-3 pages
A maximum of 2 graphics
Subscription sign up button
Link to one chosen social media page
All design packages come with 1 hour of FREE training