Helping you grow and nurture
your business, your dream
Custom Designs Created For You

Every Web Design I Create I Do With Passion and Dedication

Your web design is the most
important asset your business has.
Build it with
Dedication - Creativity - Perfection
Drive sales to your company,
bringing you valuable, loyal customers.
Why I Want To Help You
Working as the marketing director for a Local Business for 13 years I had originally not built the company website, so I had to be tied to a web designer to make or change any little thing because I had no knowledge about programming. Then our web designer left his company to go back to the workforce and I was left high and dry so I began my search for a new web design company. Well I was getting quotes for $20,000 from one company, another company would say they could do it for $5,000 then another would say pay us $500 per month. It was so frustrating there was no industry standard on pricing and ALL of these web design companies would promise to have us on page one at the top of google which is almost impossible to promise a company. So I decided with the help of my lovely office manager I was going to learn how to do our website and I did!
When I left that company I realized I wanted to help other people succeed. With my knowledge in marketing and newly learned web design skills I was off. A great website is everything in today's world. I cannot explain the sense of joy and accomplishment I feel when my clients call me to say how much busier they are. Helping someone start something new is so exciting to be a part of that time in someone's life is something I do not take lightly. There are times clients have come to me and said this is my last shot if this doesn’t work I am closing my doors and within a year the are doing better than they ever thought possible. This is why I do what I do, to share my marketing knowledge and help people thrive in life and in their business and I love it!
How I Work
We start by going over your companies goal whether it's creating a brand new website and starting an entire web presence, or you need a website refresh and are looking to update an existing site. We will meet and discuss what is most important to your brand, what you want to get across to your viewers, and the top three things that are important for people to know about your company. I have a nice list of questions we go over like; Do you have your own images? Do you need password protected areas for any specific pages? Will you need a member log in section? These question help me to determine your needs and they also may sometimes help you to determine if there is something you need for your website that could better serve your customers. From there the work begins. I design your website and depending of the length and complexity of your website after several days we will have a design meeting (either in person, over the phone, or via Skype) where we you will discuss your likes, dislikes and any changes that need to be made. I will go ahead and make those changes and poof you are up and running with a beautiful new lavish web design by Enhanced Web Concepts!

What I Do
My Company has one web designer ME! I work side by side with you and your company to determine the best plan for you and your web design. Whether you need web design in Long Island, NY or you are across the country I can help. I work hard at Enhanced Web Concepts to diligently move your website to a high ranking in each search engine. I research SEO key words, track your web statistics and ensure your company is reaching it's highest potential. Nothing is left to chance. I utilize my marketing background to ensure you not only have a fully functional website but you are also performing to your company's highest standard on and off the web.